
Lokendra Dave, Swapnil Garde, Ozair Ahmed Ansari, Nishant Shrivastav, V.K Sharma. “ A study of association between metabolic syndrome and COPD.” Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3. Issue 22, June 02; Page: 6183-6188, DOI: 10.14260/ne de/2014/2720

Lokendra Dave, Swapnil S Garde, Ramakant Dixit, T N Dubey, Nishant Shrivastava, Shivani Chaturvedi. Clinical-Radiological and pathological profile of 300 cases of bronchogenic carcinoma. International Journal of Contemporary medical Research 2015;2(3):635-638

Dave L, Rajoriya V, Dubey T N, Meena R S, Garde S, Sharma V K. Evaluation of BODE index as a predictor of Pulmonary Hypertension in COPD patients. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2015;1(3): 213-17

Srivastava N, Dave L, Chaturvedi S, Dube T N, garde S, Raghuwanshi M. To study serum C-reactive protein level and its correlation with prognostic variables in stable COPD patients. Int J Med Res Rev 2015:3(8):852-857. Doi:10.17ijmrr.2015.8.160.

Garde SS, Bhattacharya PJ, Idris MG, Dabu R, Hazarika G. Study to establish genetic association of cardiac conduction defect in Indian patients undergoing pacemaker implantation. Int j Adv Med 2021;8:1343-9

Awards & Posts

Special Award in Anatomy

Gold Medal (Distinction) in Pharmacology & Microbiology

Joint Secretary, Student Union, GMC (2006-2008)

Class Representative, Students Union, GMC (2008-2009)

General Secretary, Junior Doctors Association (2012-2012)

ORGANIZER of NATIONAL MEDICAL UPDATE - 2013 at GMC, Department of Medicine.

Runner Up in AV GANDHI SCAI AWARD - 2018